Thursday, May 10, 2007

More pictures from trip to US

I have been trying to sort through the photo's of the trip and quite a few are going to follow. The 3 of us had a fantastic time in Asheville visiting family and friends. Brattan and Danielle were kind enough to put us up for a couple of weeks.

Alfie got along very well with Waylan and is going to miss all the hugs and kisses from his grandparents, aunt and uncles.

We ate out quite a lot with I think 5 meals in 2 days the record for continuous eating out. We also ate very well at home, with Suzie's biscuits and gravy, Danielle's red macaroni, Katie's turkey burgers, Lisa's curry and salad and Brattan's hotdogs all on the menu.

Quite a few trips were also made to the shops as everything is so cheap right now.

Alfie was fantastic on the plane on the way home and Continental Airlines saved themselves (after poor service on the flight on the way out and at customer services) right at the last minute with an employee who finally showed some sense and made sure we had some space on the way home.

Since we arrived back we have moved house and more pics will follow.

I bought Alfie a Jumperoo today, I could deprive him no longer.

Not sure what I caught Alfie watching in this first photo...he did enjoy the big TV though!

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