Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter in Nantglyn

Easter...where to start? Suffice it to say that it was the best Alf and his two English cousins have ever got along before. They seem to have reached the age where they can become a group and everyone is just about interested in the same things. It was a great trip up to North Wales and pretty good weather, too (for North Wales).
The kids were outside loads. They fed the donkeys; took a ride in the trailer behind the tractor; played in the creek in their wellies; drew with chalk all over the drive. My mom sent over some PAAS egg dye so we dyed eggs one day. I had found plastic eggs at Costco so we had a traditional American style egg hunt on Easter morning. The eggs were a bit obvious but the kids were new to it all. There's a photo of Edie on a bike her dad used to ride. There's a hilarious picture of Alf and Edie with the sun in their eyes. I told you how much he hates the sun in his eyes. Well, he clearly hasn't figured out how to keep it away without completely losing his ability to see by covering his eyes with his hand. Edie is clearly more intelligent at her 3 1/2 years. Janette brought down a box of fancy dress and the kids spent an afternoon running around in weird get-ups. Alf settled on being Bob pretty quickly and wouldn't let anyone else have a go. All in all a really nice time with this side of the family.

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